

2016 International Conference on Green Infrastructure and Resilient City

时间:2016-01-20 16:29:03 来源: 作者:

2016 International Conference on Green Infrastructure and Resilient City



You are welcome to attend the conference from March 15th-19th, 2016 in Shenzhen - one of the most beautiful cities in China. The conference will provide you an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas, to share experiences, to learn the most up to date’s research and development in green infrastructure, ecological restoration, sustainable development in urban environment and more. The conference will bring together stormwater professionals, landscape architects, designers, educators and planners fromChina as well from the world.

The Low Impact Development (LID) as a key element of green infrastructure has been used more and more worldwide for stormwater management. It has been integrated into China’sambitious Resilient City Construction Plan. In 2015 the Chinese centralgovernment started the Resilient City Construction Pilot Program in 16 cities. More than 86.5 billion RMB ($13.7 billion USD) have been located in these pilot cities for the stormwater management in the next 3 years. It is expected that more than 200 billion RMB per year will spend during the ChineseThirteenth Five-year Planning Period. The goal is to control 70% of stormwater annual runoff in 20% of already constructed urban area before year 2020, and to achieve 80% in year 2030. Therefore, green infrastructure will play very important role in the Construction of Resilient City. The conference will invite representatives from the 16 pilot cities to discuss opportunities and challenges. You will have chance to meet these representatives, managers, engineers, planners and landscape architect face to face. In addition to the conference there will be a workshop and graduate student forum to help young professionals entering green infrastructure practices and researches.


The Low Impact Development (LID) is more and more globally used in current days and the Resilient City construction becomes a hot issue in China. In this context, the International Conference on Green Infrastructure and Resilient City will be held during March 15th-18th, 2016 in Shenzhen, to promote the research and application of green infrastructure, ecological restoration and sustainable living environment in Chinawith the approach of environmental engineering, urban and rural planning as well as landscape architecture.Parallel activities include: (1)Training course for practice of Green Infrastructure and construction for Resilient City; and (2) Doctor Students Colloquium on Aquatic Ecological Infrastructure and Resilient Development.


· The Water Environment Federation (WEF)

· Ecological Urban Planning Academic Committee of Chinese Urban Planning Society


· College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Peking University

· Ecological Technology Institute of Construction Engineering, Shenzhen University

· School of Environment and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

· Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen

· China Water and Wastewater Journal Editorial Office Co., Ltd.


Shenzhen Cenpoint Architects & Engineers Co., Ltd

China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd

Shenzhen Shenshui Ecological & Environmental Technology Co., Ltd

The Smart City Institute of Shenzhen University


Faculties,students and practitioners of urban planning, landscape architecture, water supply and drainage, transportation, and architecture as well other relatedinstitutions.



· Daniel E. Medina, PhD, PE, D.WRE, CFM, Technical Director – Water, ATKINS

· SHE Nian, professor, Ecological Technology Institute of Construction Engineering, Shenzhen University

· Zhang Quan, Professor, Chairperson of Academic Committee of City Ecological Planning of Chinese Society of City Planning

The Commission

Bill Lucas,Lisa Hair,Daniel Medina,David Sample,Brain Darcy,John Lenth,Antje Stockman,Kathlie S. Jeng-Bulloch,Simom Beecham,Frank Tian,LIAO Chaoxuan,GUO Zhentai, LIU Jian, CHENG Xiaotao, LI Huai’en, REN Xinxin, ZHAO Jiang, ZHAO Minhua, LI Junqi, CHE Wu, LI Dihua, XIE Yinxia., Xu Chongguang, Kong Yanhong, Fu Wantai, Shi Wujun, Zhang Chen, Li Tian, , BU Zengwen, YE Guodong, XIAN Xinmin, DU Yinghao



· CHE Wu, professor of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Committee of China Green Building Council

The Commission

SHE Nian, LI Dihua, XIE Yinxia, LI Junqi, DING Nian, WANG Jiayuan, , BU Zengwen,YE Guodong, XIAN Xinmin, DU Yinghao,LIU Jian, REN Xinxin,Yuan Jinfu, Zhang Yicheng, Nan Ling, Zhang Yingxia,and representatives ofResilient Cites in China, as well as representatives of related institutions of Shenzhen


WU Lingyi, szuly@szu.edu.cn, +8613632648170

Yishuang She, GIRC@qq.com,+86-10-6274 7822


(1) Green Infrastructure forurban flood control and drainageengineering,and CSO control

(2) integrated management of rainstorm

(3) Green Infrastructure modeling, monitoring and simulation

(4) flood control in the city scale, non-point source pollution control and rainwater resources utilization

(5) urban water system promotion, ecological restoration, livable city construction

(6) experience of Resilient City construction in China

(7) projects of Green Infrastructure construction

(8) evaluation of the Resilient Cityand the Low Impact Development

(9) cooperation between green& grey infrastructure in the developedurban area

(10) PPP management, policies and regulationsfor Green Infrastructure and Resilient City construction

(11)NGO and public participation for Green Infrastructure and Resilient City construction

(12) operationandmanagement of Green Infrastructure construction

(13) interdisciplinary talentstraining for Green Infrastructure and Resilient City construction


Keynote Speakers

·Kongjian Yu, professoranddean of College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture in Peking University
·Wu Che, professor of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Committee of China Green Building Council
·Jian Hu, director of Water supply and Drainage Department of Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province
·Jiang Zhao: Dean of municipal branch of Urban Planning and Design Institute in Zhenjiang, JiangsuBrian Darcy, senior fellow of ·Abertay University, president of Scotland Green Infrastructure Association
·Lisa Hair, senior environmental engineer, EPA Office of Water
·Daniel Medina, chief technical officer for water, North America -Atkins
·David Sample, professor of Virginia Institute of Technology
·Antje Stockman, professor and director of the Institute of Regional Planning and Landscape Architecture in University of ·Hannover,Germany
·Simon Beecham, professor and director of Environmental Engineering in University of South Australia
·Scott Slaney, FALSA. Terrain Studio, Inc.
·John Lenth, Vice President, Herrera Environmental Consultant
·James Lenhart, Chief Technology Officer - Stormwater, Contech Engineered Solutions
·Tobias Baur, Partner of Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl (Singapore)
·Satoshi Yamaoka, professor of Utsunomiya University
·Frank Tian, expert of stormwater for Auckland Town Hall, New Zealand
·Chaoxuan Liao, Professor of National Taiwan Ocean University
·Shaohua Xu, professor at department of hydraulic engineering and resource conservation in Feng China University
·James Kuo, Seattle Environmental Science and Technology, Inc.
·Yaqian Zhao, professor at University College Dublin
·Yuming Su, Engineer in LID Center in Maryland, America

Parallel Activities

(1)Training course for practice of Green Infrastructure and construction for Resilient Cityis going to organize on March 16 (one day earlier before the conference). 6 experienced specialists will invited to give presentations on practical schemes for the practice of LID/GI applications. The tuition is 1500RMBto pay all the costs, not included in the conference fee. A limits of 100 participants is set.

(2) PHD and Graduate Forum on Water Infrastructure and Resilient Development Development, half day high level serious dialogue among PHD students and invited specialists; All participants have to submit an abstract and prepare a presentation, none extra payment but one-night more stay needed.


· "China Water & Wastewater" (corejournal in China Science Index)

· "Hydraulic Engineering" (core journal of EI)

· "Landscape Architecture Frontiers" (bilingual Chinese academic journals, ESCI journal, CSCD core journal)

· "Chinese Landscape"(online media, http://www.landscape.cn)

· “China Water industry Net”(online media, http://www.c-water.com.cn )


· We are calling for Abstracts that show the diversity approaches to the theme “Green Infrastructure” and“Resilient City”, and those about original researches, completed reviews, and problems discussions are highly welcomed.

  The abstracts are going to be delivered for exchanging ideas on research and practice experiences.

  The three supporting journals welcome full paper submitting for special issue on the topic of this conference.

· The authors must present aproper paper format according to one of those three aforementioned academic journals.

· Abstract submission deadline: February29, 2016.

· Please specify “Abstract Submission for 2016 International Conference on Green Infrastructure and Resilient City”asthe e-mail subject.

· Send papers to GIRC@qq.com, and for enquiry, please call 010-62747822 for more information.





March 15th


Arrival and check-infor Training course

Front of No. 3 Hall of Sci. & Tech. Building, Shenzhen University

March 16th


Arrival and check-in

Front of No. 1 Hall of Sci. & Tech. Building, Shenzhen University


Training course for practice of Green Infrastructure and construction for Resilient City

No. 2 Hall of Sci. & Tech. Building, Shenzhen University

March 17th


Opening Ceremony

Keynote Speech

No. 1 Hall of Sci. & Tech. Building, Shenzhen University


Keynote Speech


Keynote Speech

March 18th


Subject 1:practice of Green Infrastructure in the perspective of Landscape Architecture and Urban PlanningKeynote Speech

No. 1 Hall of Sci. & Tech. Building, Shenzhen University

Subject 2: Green Infrastructure in the practice of sustainable urban storm-water managementKeynote Speech

No. 2 Hall of Sci. & Tech. Building, Shenzhen University


1+1* Experience exchange and expert consultation for Resilient City constructionand Closing ceremony

No. 1 Hall of Sci. & Tech. Building, Shenzhen University


Free exchange


March 19th


Field trip for the projects

Route 1: LID facilities of Shenzhen University South Campus and Natural Drainage System of the Dengliang Road

Route 2: LID facilities in Guangming New District


PHD Students Colloquium

No. 431 Conference Hall of College of Civil Engineering., Shenzhen University

Departure and send off

*This section will invite both representativesand core technic specialist from the demonstration cities to give joint speech.

Note:Please pay attention to the actual schedule

Application Method
Pls reply the registration form and confirm the remittance(please see the attachment about the way of remittance and so on.

Form Name

Registration Form for 2016 International Conference on Green Infrastructure and Sponge City Development(Download)

Registration Form for 2016 Green Infrastructure and Sponge City Development Operational Training(Download)

Fee Description

(1)2100 RMB (350USD) per person for administrative organization; 2500RMB (400USD)per person for business company; 1100 RMB (180USD)per person for students. (Cost of travel and accommodation are not included.)

(2)Please send the registration form and remittance information to this email, GIRC@qq.com
(3)Tips: the accommodation rooms are limited, please book early and you can have a discount.

(1)Training costs RMB 1500 per person, which covers trainers' travel expence, remuneration for trainers and interpretors;100 trainees thought proper at this stage.
(2)Please send the registration form and remittance information to this email, GIRC@qq.com
(3)Tips: the accommodation rooms are limited, please book early and you can have a discount.

On-site registration is not accepted in this meeting, and the deadline is 12th March.
PLZ media participations download the registration form directly, fill in the information and send to the e-mail GIRC@qq.com to confirm the registration.
Registration form for media participations

AboutThe Water Environment FederationWEF

The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a not-for-profit technical and educational organization of 34000 individual members and 75 affiliated Member Associations representing water quality professionals around the world. Since 1928, WEF and its members have protected public health and the environment. As a global water sector leader, our mission is to connect water professionals; enrich the expertise of water professionals; increase the awareness of the impact and value of water; and provide a platform for water sector innovation. More information, please visit on http://www.wef.org。

Ecological Urban Planning Academic Committee (EUPAC) of Chinese Urban Planning Society

EUPAC is a branch organization of Chinese Urban Planning Society (CUPL), founded in 2008, consists of leading specialists from universities, professional institutes and administration sectors. It connects members and urbanization social requirements by organizing annual conference and symposiumson different topic to prompt the exploring city ecological studies and applications. EUPAC address itself to utilization of ecological planning theory and approaches, improvement of human settlement and sustainability of natural environment and resources. More information, please visit on http://www.planning.org.cn.

Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality (BPWSM), China

BPWSM is a branch unit of Shenzhen Municipality on chief of government construction projects management in Shenzhen. It prompts open policies of participation and green city movements. More information, please visit on http://www.szwb.gov.cn.

Contribution and registration
Remittance confirm: 1211lgc@sina.com,1752144199
Venue and hotel: szuly@szu.edu.cn,13632648170

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